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6 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Jobs You Can Pursue in 2024

Posted by HQ Pedestal Posted by May 25, 2024 in Artificial intelligence

The AI job market is booming, but it can be confusing to figure out what jobs are available and how to get one. This article goes beyond just listing basic AI jobs or high-level positions. We'll talk about what it takes to be successful in this field, whether you're just starting out or you're already experienced.

In 2024, the world of AI is evolving fast. New technologies are changing industries, creating exciting opportunities for people with the right skills and mindset. This guide will help you understand these new roles and how to prepare for them.

We'll cover everything you need to know to start or advance your career in AI. If you're interested in learning more about AI or getting certified, we've got you covered there too. Let's dive in and explore the world of AI careers together!

6 Top AI Job Roles

1. AI engineer:

AI engineers are like builders of AI systems. They create, set up, and look after AI models and structures, making sure that what's learned in theory actually works in real life.

They deal with things like understanding human language, teaching computers to learn, using complex brain-like networks, and using internet-based programs. The main computer languages they use are Python, Java, R, and C++.

To do this job well, you need to be good at writing software and understand how AI works. Many people who want to work with data are interested in becoming AI engineers because it's all about making things that actually work, not just theory.

2. Data scientist:

Data scientists are like detectives who turn messy data into useful information and plans. They use math, computer tricks, and special tools to find patterns and guess what might happen next.

Their job is super important because they help companies make smart choices based on facts. To be a data scientist, you need to know how to use computer languages like Python or R, and you need to be really good at math and learning how computers think.

If you're interested in becoming a data scientist, you can learn everything you need to know with DataCamp. They have courses that can teach you how to be a data scientist using Python or R, starting from scratch.

3. Machine learning engineer:

Machine learning engineers are experts in making computers learn on their own without needing exact instructions for every task. They take the cool stuff data scientists find and turn it into useful programs that work on all sorts of devices.

To be a great ML engineer, you need to really get how machine learning works and know how to make it work in the real world.

If you want to be an ML engineer, you should be good at using computer languages like Python or Java, and you should have played around with machine learning tools like TensorFlow or PyTorch.

4. AI Researcher:

AI researchers are the dreamers who figure out new things AI can do. They do cool experiments and tests to make better computer brain tricks and solve hard problems.

To be a top AI researcher, you usually need to go to school for a long time and get a fancy degree like a PhD in Computer Science. You also need to be good at programming and playing with data using tools like Python, R, TensorFlow, and PyTorch.

5. AI product manager:

AI product managers are like the bosses of AI products. They make sure the products are a hit from the idea stage all the way to when they're out in the world. They think about what customers want, make sure the technology works well, and make sure it helps the business grow.

To be a great AI product manager, you need to know a lot about how AI works and how to manage projects. You also have to be good at leading teams and making sure everyone works together.

AI product managers also have to think about what's right and wrong and follow the rules about using AI.

6. Ethics in AI specialist:

Ethics in AI specialists are the good guys who make sure AI is used in the right way. They think about things like being fair, telling the truth, and making sure AI doesn't do anything bad.

To do this job well, you need to know a lot about AI and what's right and wrong. You also need to be good at talking to people and convincing them to do the right thing. These specialists often work with other AI experts, developers, and people who make the rules to make sure AI is used safely and fairly.

If you want to know more, you can take a course on AI ethics or read an article about being ethical when using AI.


thare so many exciting jobs in AI for 2024. Whether you're into solving puzzles with data, teaching computers, making sure things are fair, inventing new stuff, or leading a team, there's something for you in the world of AI. So why not start your journey Join our Artificial Intelligence Course in Jaipur to learn how to make your mark in this exciting world. Whether you're a beginner or already know a bit, our friendly experts will help you become an AI superstar.

Ready to dive into the world of AI? Come join us at Pedestal Techno World and let's make amazing things together

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